#1. I copied this from the first version of manualk, without realizing that
A big oops moment! Somehow my LMMS behaved that way.
But when I restarted the PC, all went as before... SORRY!
While your mail explains some points, the others are pending.
I also have some more doubts.
The next list of pending terms is given below.
1. In the Instrument window, MIDI tab, "Enable MIDI" section.
2. In * LB302* plugin, what do *Accent* and *Dead* controls do?
3. In *Vestige* plugin, what is the use of the "Turn off all notes"
4. In the *ZynAddSubFX *plugin, what does *Forward MIDI control changes*
5. In *SF2 Player *plugin, what does the CHORUS section do?
6. In *SID *simulator, what do the following controls do?
7. In *Bass booster *plugin, what does "Ratio" control do?
Post by Stian JørgensrudPost by Raindrops From Sky1. Both song/BB editor have a "Record" button.
How do they differ from each other?
They don't? :) Either you can look a the B&B Editor and ascertain that the
B&B Editor don't got a record button, only play and stop. Or, as I guess
you have done, you can find out that you can open the Piano Roll Editor
from the B&B Editor and it will be the same Piano Roll as when opened from
the Song Editor.
Am I missing something here?
Post by Raindrops From Sky2. What does "Project > Save As New Version" menu do?
Is it relevant now, even after 3 years?
It is a new feature, seven months old maybe. It saves your project by
appending increment numbers to your project and you will be able to
continue to work on the latest version without any disruptions. It starts
by adding "-01", so your project called test.mmpz will be called
test-01.mmpz. The next time you save as new version it will get the name
Post by Raindrops From SkyWhat does the "Note" control do?
I can't find such a feature, are you sure it is called "note control"? It
might be that something have been removed for LMMS 1.1, I am using an
RC/beta version.
What is new from 0.4.15 there is the way LMMS handles MIDI instruments, so
the option "Custom Base Velocity" has been added. MIDI has velocity from 0
to 127, while LMMS in the Piano Roll has the option to adjust each note
from 0% to 200%. In old versions of LMMS turning the volume above 100% did
nothing (and eventually started causing a bug so therefore it was changed),
cause 100% was 127 velocity. From LMMS 1.0.0 100% is 63 velocity and 200%
is 127 velocity.
4. What are the practical uses of the *File > Export tracks...* command
Mastering and mixing in other programs, or just editing in other programs.
An important and useful function is that it will not export muted tracks,
so you can choose some tracks you want to export.
Post by Raindrops From SkyWhat do the following parameters do to sound distortion: slide,
accent, dead.
Good question, I see you have already looked at the wiki. I think the wiki
actually is wrong here, I can't understand what slide has to do with
distortion. The slide LED toggle turns slide=portamento on and off and the
knob slide decides how long time it goes before sliding (I think).
From reading up on this page I can indeed confirm that my thinking was
correct. I have not found out what the "dead" LED toggle is. Maybe making
the sound more monophonic? According to the article there was an accent
function, but I wouldn't say that the "dead" function added accent, more
like the opposite.
There aren't any accent parameter in LB 302, so the wiki is wrong there
again, could be the original coder of the plugin who wrote the article
before he was finished with the plugin, or it could be someone who have
read the same wikipedia article I just did.
6. Patman plugin: What's "Tune mode"?
Much like a soundfont the .pat files contains several samples which is
different recordings of an instrument in this case at different note
frequencies. Without tune mode you will only hear the original samples,
which usually isn't all over the keyboard but only every sixth whole note
for example. In tune mode PatMan will adjust the frequency of the
nearest(?) sample so you can play all the different notes on your keyboard
without having one sample for each key.
7. VeSTige plugin: What do the following controls do?
Post by Raindrops From Sky1. Control VST from LMMS Host
2. Turn off all notes
It opens a window with all accessible parameters as regular LMMS knobs,
this way you can automate those parameters.
Post by Raindrops From Sky8. ZynAddSubFX plugin: Forward MIDI control changes -> what does it do?
I am no good with MIDI, sorry. If you ask at the developer mailing list
(or ask me to do it) you will probably get better answers at technical
questions such as the LB 302 one.
9. Do the NUMPAD buttons + and - really work in BB Editor??
Yes, and it doesn't have to be the numpad it seems. They change to the
next or previous B&B track. You must have several B&B tracks for it to work.
Post by Raindrops From Sky10. BB Editor track's context menu: Is the Freeze/unfreeze feature
removed now?
Yes, removed from everywhere. That is also right click menu in Song Editor.
11. Earlier, one step at a time could be added to the BB Editor timeline.
Post by Raindrops From SkySince the timeline is always a whole multiple of a measure, some blank
space was left at the end of the timeline. But the new design adds multiple
steps to fill up the space, leaving no blank space. Is that correct?
Yes. You would have silence at the end anyway in the previous versions,
the beat wouldn't start over one quarter note before the other beats.
Post by Raindrops From Sky12. The entire Bassline-related behavior seems to have changed.
Earlier, it was possible to insert a note of any length.
Now LMMS allows only a small note that is shorter than 1/32th of a
What? How? Did it? I want to know!! You can double click on the note area
in B&B Editor to open Piano Roll and enter regular notes of infinity length,
13. Earlier, when we inserted a bassline in a BB Editor track, the track
Post by Raindrops From Skyused to show the pattern like Song Editor's melody track. But now it only
displays steps.
Hmm, yeah, there is something that have changed with that. Or is it... I
can't explain, don't remember. I know that when you have zoomed in 800% or
more and you have only drum notes it will be displayed as in the B&B
Editor. If you add long notes it will go back to looking like a normal
Post by Raindrops From Sky14. When we add a bassline note in the nth step in Song Editor, that step
is supposed to light up in the BB Editor. But practically this does not
happen: As we go on inserting bassline notes in progressive steps, the BB
Editor toggles random steps on/off.
No, nothing in the Song Editor will show up in the Beat and Bassline
Editor. Has it done that before?
Stian JÞrgensrud